Ron Marsh

Benchwork Essentials

Ron Marsh
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Benchwork Essentials
  • In-depth Instruction; over 82 mins
  • On-demand video access anytime
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  • Available for purchase: $39.99
This session is designed to help you begin to think about some important decisions you need to make before you begin to build or even plan your benchwork. Design elements such as height, depth, style, and more will have a major influence on how you design and build.
There are many different styles of benchwork that you can build. Each style has its own strengths and weaknesses and may be better suited for some situations than others. Materials used, weight, and portability are just a few of the factors that will be impacted by the style of benchwork you choose to use. In this session you will see several different styles of benchwork and learn how to choose the one that is right for your layout.
Your choice of materials will be impacted by the style of benchwork you are building and what you plan to build on your layout. In this session you will see some very traditional materials for benchwork building as well as some newer materials that are becoming very popular among many model railroaders today.
The materials you choose to use in your benchwork will determine the tools you will need. In this session you will learn what basic tools are absolutely essential for working with you chosen materials as well as some tools that, while not essential, can make buildings much easier.
Are you ready to build some benchwork? In this session you will see how to lay out and assemble the basic structure of open grid benchwork—one of the most popular, most versatile, and easiest to build styles of model railroad benchwork.
Every layout needs a level of strength and stability. In this session you will learn how to build and install leg assemblies and bracing that will provide that needed strength and stability as well as a professional look to your layout.
As you finish your benchwork, you need subroadbed and supports for a backdrop. In this session you will learn about different types of subroadbed and see how to cut and install a blanket-style subroadbed. You will also learn how to install simple supports for your backdrop. Now you are ready to begin building a railroad on your newly-constructed benchwork.
7 Lessons
1  hrs 22  mins

Building a model railroad is a very exciting prospect, but a quality layout requires a quality foundation.

In this class, you’ll learn what it takes to build benchwork that will provide the strength and stability you need for your layout, fit the specific requirements that will help you attain your goals as a model railroad builder, and not break the bank with extra, unnecessary materials.

To this end, your instructor for the class, Ron Marsh, will cover these details for you:

  • Several crucial decisions you need to make before you start building your benchwork.
  • Various styles of benchwork that will suit every layout type and situation.
  • Different materials that can be used in building benchwork.
  • The tools you will need to work with each of these building materials.
  • How to build one popular style of benchwork start to finish.

As you learn each of these elements, you will get illustrations and demonstrations of a variety of techniques that will help you produce not only strong and stable benchwork but quality craftsmanship and a professional looking product as well.

You’ll see principles put into action as we build the benchwork for a layout together.

In addition to your video instruction, you’ll get a helpful Class Guide PDF that you can print out use as a reference as you build your own layout benchwork.

Ron Marsh

Ron grew up on a farm between the mainlines of the Gulf Mobile & Ohio and Missouri Pacific Railroads in the 1970s. Thus he has been a rail fan for as long as he can remember. When he was in his mid-20s, Ron discovered the hobby of scale model railroading – a hobby he has loved ever since. Over the course of more than 20 years, Ron has built three layouts in N scale. He enjoys many facets of the hobby, but is especially fond of scenery building, structure building, and operations. Ron is a member of the National Model Railroad Association and the N Scale Enthusiast. He is also the producer of his own model railroad YouTube channel, a contributing editor for the Model Railroad Academy, and a regular columnist for the e-Magazine The Modeler’s Journal.

Ron Marsh

Bonus materials available after purchase

Benchwork Essentials Purchase this class for $39.99.