Jim Providenza

Deck Spacing with Jim Providenza

Jim Providenza
Duration:   3  mins


Even though Jim Providenza’s Santa Cruz Northern model railroad is a double deck layout, spacing is not a problem at all. The design for a double deck layout has a number of different factors that must be considered that are unique from a single deck layout. For example, you have to deal with more people in the same area during operation because of operating at two different levels. This is one such consideration when designing a double decker.

The layout heights is another consideration, the geometry of the relationship between the upper and lower levels and the sight the operators are able to have on both levels. In the area Jim shows of the Santa Cruz Northern, the upper level is only about eleven inches railhead to railhead from the lower level.

The facia is only about a hand span or about eight inches when checked with a tape measure. The important thing is how far back he can see into the scene. The depth of this particular scene on the lower level is about ten inches. The depth of the upper level is only about five inches because it has been recessed. This means his view height is about 68 inches, which means the angle he can see to the backdrop of the lower level is more than sufficient for operating. Jim goes on to demonstrate his view from another scene on the railroad. For more tips for planning your layout or pros and cons of a Double Deck layout, visit the Model Railroad Academy website.

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How much of a problem is a spacing between the two decks. It's really not a problem at all Allen. The design for, a double deck layout has a number of different factors that you have to consider that are, you know, you just don't deal with a single deck layout. Clearly the space that you have to deal with for more people, in the same area because you have operating from two different levels is one of those considerations. The other one though is you bring up the question is what do you do for these layout heights?

Allen what we're talking about here is the geometry of the relationship between the upper and lower levels in the site. And the vision that you get. In this area on the Santa Cruz Northern the upper level is only about 11 inches railhead to railhead from the lower level. And the fascia is only about a hand span or looking at the tape measure about eight inches. Now this is really, really short in terms of this, but the important thing here is how far back I can see into the scene.

Where the depth here is almost 10 inches, the depth to the upper level, because I've reassessed it, is only about five inches. My view height with my eyes is about 68 inches. And I can see at an angle with a tape measure to about this area on the backdrop, which is more than sufficient for what I wanna see when I'm operating. Here you have my viewpoint as I am standing in a normal operating position If as I was running this train here. I still have the same issues, even though it's a much higher scene here.

If we get the trusty tape measure, we're at 14 inches, we have a much deeper scene and the geometry is still the same as it was to the much shallower scene infact, what we have here from my eyeline is a shot that goes directly across the back even though we're at 19 almost 20 inches here and almost two feet back to the scene, of the diagonal there. what's the optimum height for you the upper deck and what's the optimum height for the lower deck? Well, I find when, that the lower deck in the operating areas for the yardmaster at Mac Street, for example, is designed at 44 inches. And that works well for somebody sitting. The upper level gets up to 60 or so inches.

I actually prefer for myself when I'm actually switching, about 54 inches. And to handle that I've built either movable steps or platforms and interplay between aisle width, curved radius and siding length. and I had never, you know, certainly you hear the first two all the time and maybe it's just that we're now getting into the layout design where we're making longer and longer sidings. But all the sudden you start running out of room for straight switches. If you really want a 13, 14, 16 foot passing siding, then you're gonna have to build curve switches unless you have you know, a 35 by 50 basement.

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