Touring the M&K Division of the B&O
Don CasslerDescription
We'll follow this B and O+P1D462 around the layout. She's just come from Parkersburg West Virginia. This specific is eastbound with the daily mail express or accommodation train. Bond West Virginia is the center for trade and social life in the valley. A short ride through West End Tunnel takes us under Big Savage Mountain.
This is HA Junction, one of the busiest spots on the railroad. Here F3 helpers are added to eastbound Coal Drives. Hitchcock tunnel gets us through White Horse Mountain for the approach to Shaffers Crossing. The line continues under Independence, West Virginia and emerges at Rockwood. Here the line heads into reverse loop and comes back to Rockwood for a station stop before ducking back into Falls Cut tunnel.
The 462 goes back through hidden areas and some of the visible layout then emerges at Big Savage tunnel. The main heads above bond along the side of Big Savage Mountain. We've just crested Big Savage Mountain on the approach to Ultimate Bridge below is the West throat of MK yard where we started. Logan Junction has a passing siding and a pocket for the Coal Drives helpers, Rockwood is belows We round the Passive Backbone Mountain and head for Altapass. Here are the line ducks into Hogback tunnel and moves into a hidden staging yard.
That is one beautiful layout. From the smooth-flowing track work, to the operating signal system, to the fantastic Appalachian scenery, this is the type of layout to which I aspire...only smaller due to space constraints. Well done!