July’s Track Talk Live featured MRA’s Steve Doyle and Doug Hodgdon in a lively hour of questions and answers on many facets of model railroading, including layout building, roadbed and track-laying, intermodal operations, DCC installation and weathering. Viewers from as far away as Australia, the United Kingdom and Ireland engaged in multi-scale discussions with the MRA experts.

Great job live close Eyota , Minnesota have a ho lay out .
I'm trying to log onto the Live Talk August 3, 2016. It said 7:00 p.m. CST. Not sure that CST is right or CDT??? Can't seem to find where to log on.....
I have an n gauge layout but I don't know how to wire/ hook up crossing signals. Some people tell me I can buy the track which I've seen on Kato but I have ez track. I hear I need resistors, etc. I cannot hook up like "just plug in lighting"?
We live H0-Model-Trains from USA
Just getting started!!
This is fantastic I have 36 points on my HO DCC intermodal layout I have control panel to change all my points I use Z21 to operate all my Locos there's is nobody ever talks or display intermodal layout Kind Regards Teady
Hi I'm Peter from Wexford Ireland oo user I'm a beginner an wondering I have an engine that stop starts all the time what could be wrong, as all other trains work ok
Building a DC operated turntable, one entry road, three radiating other side. Any tips on wiring please. Thanks.
Rail turning green after ballasting and white glue. This was a question your presenters struggled with. I suggest there is Iron Pyrites in the ballast, as applying a PVA white glue creates an acid, that attacks the copper within the nickel silver rail, leaving green compound (copper acetate?). The solution to prevent this may be as simple as changing to another brand of ballast
It is well worth joining the MRA. I took advantage of a special sign up rate, and have been very happy with the full length videos included. I've bought several downloads as well. Good site!