Bob Brown's Tuolumne Forks Railroad Video Download
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Video Download: Bob Brown’s Tuolumne Forks Railroad
Allen Keller’s Great Model Railroads Volume 16
Bob Brown’s Tuolumne Forks Railroad combines the charm of a logging and mining operation with the passenger traffic of a tourist line. This free-lanced On3 railroad is justifiably famous among the narrow gauge faithful. When he’s not working on the railroad, Bob is the editor of the Narrow Gauge & Shortline Gazette, a magazine noted for top quality modeling. Bob and the magazine are responsible for developing a worldwide fellowship of fine modelers. Because narrow gauge modeling is so appealing, Bob has devoted his life to it. The Tuolumne Forks is an operating diorama that showcases Bob’s extraordinary eye for color and detail. The structures, scenery, locomotives, and rolling stock all have the quaint look so important to narrow gauge modeling. And he’ll share some of these techniques with you. You’ll learn about making detailed clutter, pouring epoxy “water”, handlaying track, and staining and painting. The Tuolumne Forks is a Great Model Railroad because of Bob’s ability to see the detailed clutter of life as art, and his expertise to create scenes that stay in the mind’s eye. 58 minutes.
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