Chuck Hitchcock's Argentine Industrial District Railway Video Download
Video Download: Chuck Hitchcock’s Argentine Industrial District Railway
Allen Keller’s Great Model Railroads Volume 50
The Argentine Industrial District Railway of Chuck Hitchcock is his answer to the question “Is it possible to outgrow a famous 30 year old layout?”. His former Santa Fe Argentine Division was famous as one of the first layouts to be operated in a prototype manner. Yet Chuck and his operators knew there had to be more. Since he really enjoys switching industries, he decided a layout could be built without a mainline, making him again a pioneer in operation. The 54 x 26 foot HO railroad represents a Santa Fe line around Kansas City in 1963. All trains are operated within yard limits without a dispatcher. He will show you how to lay track without spikes, add signs to urban buildings, and create switch lists from waybills. 59 minutes.
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