Video Download

John Armstrong's Canandaigua Southern Video Download


Item: U0772U


Video Download: John Armstrong’s Canandaigua Southern

Allen Keller’s Great Model Railroads Volume 28

John Armstrong’s Canandaigua Southern is one of the most famous O scale model railroads ever built. The CS has been under construction since 1950 and belongs to the hobby’s premier trackplanning expert. Many of John’s ideas were first tested in theory and practice on this layout, such as walking with your train and only allowing a train to pass through a scene in one direction. His mammoth scratchbuilt locomotives are impressive especially since he built them more than 50 years ago, when there were few parts other than motors. John has contributed to the hobby for more than 60 years by writing 4 trackplanning books and over 100 articles. And he offers some unexpected thoughts on the good and bad hobby developments over the years. John will show you his famous vertical turnout, layout lighting techniques, modifications to cars for coupling on curves, and how to mount locomotive bodies. 59 minutes.

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