Paul Dolkos' B&M New Hampshire Division Video Download
Video Download: Paul Dolkos’ B&M New Hampshire Division
Paul takes you on an in-depth tour of his Boston and Maine New Hampshire Division layout with a trackside seat to all the action. You’ll learn why Paul decided to model this region, how he chose what prototypical features to incorporate, and what he did to make the layout seem larger than it really is. You don’t want to miss this up-close look at one of America’s greatest layouts.
During several trips through New England, Paul’s vision for his layout took shape. Paul began building his HO scale layout in 1987. He chose to model the New England region as it appeared in November 1952 because the B&M roster included both steam and diesel engines, and the idea of modeling leafless trees was appealing to him. Paul packed a lot of layout into a small space. The modeled portion of his layout is only 17×17 feet and his main line is approximately 80 feet long. However, Paul designed his layout with operations in mind, allowing eight or more operators to work the line at any one given time.
Like many modelers, Paul consulted his friends during the planning and building phases of his layout. Doug Gurin shows you the design elements that Paul incorporated into his layout and gives you design pointers that you can use on your own model railroad. It’s a helpful tutorial no matter what stage your layout is in. And Steve King will familiarize you with some railroad rules to help get your operations rolling. Don’t miss the demonstration of these rules using Paul’s HO scale railroad. 71 minutes.
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