Jerry Macri

Jerry Macri’s Track Cleaning Sponge

Jerry Macri
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Duration:   5  mins

In this video, Allen Keller sits down with Jerry Macri, modeler of the massive Pennsy to discuss Jerry’s least favorite aspect of the model railroading hobby-cleaning track. For his track cleaning, Jerry uses a plaster sponge that he runs over the track by hand. Dish soap or detergent can be used to clean off the sponge so that it can keep being used. These kinds of sponges, made from a very dense rubber, can be found at masonry supply stores. An aspect he does enjoy however, is scratchbuilding. He has scratchbuilt a lot of the buildings, like the steel plant and the chemical plant. However, he is also open to using kits, especially on a layout of this size. For more on how to clean model train wheels, visit the Model Railroad Academy archives.

Without model railroading, Jerry’s life would be more stressful and less creative. He enjoys the social aspect of the hobby, as people frequently come to visit the layout. Jerry wants people to remember that the layout is welcome to everyone and that it is a resource to provide inspiration and support to any who wants to work on their own layout. To keep interest in the hobby alive, Jerry believes more young people need to visit layouts to get excited about the possibilities. He has played a hand in this, hosting over a thousand guests in his basement to view the layout. On top of all this, his layout is a great way to relive the glory days of the Pennsy right in his own basement. For more Allen Keller videos, visit the Model Railroad Academy archives.

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