Jim Hertzog

Model Railroad Operations: Preparing for an Operating Session

Jim Hertzog
Duration:   2  mins


The amount of time and effort that goes into designing and constructing an incredible layout is no doubt obvious to the eye, but it may just surprise you how much planning goes into the model railroad operations as well. Impressive layouts not only have realistic scenery, but they also operate much the same as actual railroads.

Model Railroad Operations

In this segment of the Reading Railroad series, Allen Keller asks Jim Hertzog several questions regarding the preparation of the operating session on his model railroad.

First, Allen asks Jim about the operators of the Reading Railroad and how many he needs on a given day. Then, he asks Jim about the scheduling of the layout, more specifically about how he was able to create a schedule that successfully worked with the extensive interfacing and sequencing on the Reading Railroad. Finally, Allen asks about the number of trains Jim runs per operating session and questions how he pulls off such heavy traffic on the layout.

Jim wraps up the discussion by saying, “A good crew always pays off.” After spending hours of staging and hundreds of dollars for motor power and equipment, it is important that the model railroad operations are taken seriously. If you are looking to improve your skills, Jim and many other MRA instructors provide additional tips and tricks for your layout operations.

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How many operators do you need? 18 minimum is perfect. 20 to 22 starts pushing it a little bit 'cause I have guys come from several hours away. They'll drive three, four hours to operate. And I want them to be sure to get at least a few trains to run.

I don't want 'em to come here and run one coal turn or something. Although, I think they would probably do that. Now, do you use a schedule, a timetable, or? We don't use timetables or train orders. The Reading up there ran on train orders, but we just developed a sequence of trains.

I came up with the trains that actually operated in the region. And you don't use a fast clock, so you're just running in order? And we have a dispatcher who also acts as a crew caller, and he will then look at his schedule, see what the next train is that's available. And the schedule is so worked out that it just flows. We don't have trains congregating at certain yards, although occasionally it might happen.

But for the most part, we just have the trains come. They do their work, they move on. And hopefully don't interfere too much with other trains. Was it hard to set up that schedule, to make that work, all that interfacing of the time and the sequencing? How do you do that?

Well, it's trial and error. And through just operation. We're probably on revision 10 of the schedule by now. And I think right now we're at a point, and occasionally it's from feedback, it's also revised from feedback from my crews. Now you run about 30 trains per session.

That's correct. So that's pretty heavy traffic. What's the secret to getting that much operation into a session? Well, the secret is really having good operators and guys that are into it. I don't want people coming here, after I spent hours of staging and spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars for motor power and equipment, to just take it lightly.

I want them to come here and feel like they're immersed and they have to actually move that traffic over to layout. And my guys are really into it. And I feel so happy that when they come here, we have some fun, like all layouts do. But for the most part, they're the engineer of that train, they're the engineer of that passenger train. The dispatcher takes his role very seriously because he can't afford to stab a passenger train for a cold turn, or something like that.

Good crew always pays off.

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