Dean Freytag

Weathering Cars

Dean Freytag
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Duration:   4  mins

In the conclusion of the 8-part South Ridge Line series, Dean Freytag provides a quick tutorial on how to weather a car. The segment begins with a sneak peek of Dean’s work area in the basement. He clearly spent a lot of time working on his model trains judging by the mess. Over the years, Dean has seen improvement in his own work. He dedicated many hours to the model railroading hobby. Sometimes he would stay up until 1:00 a.m. running trains.

Building Cars

In the tutorial, Dean shares a few techniques on how to distress and weather a car. First, he creates distortion with heat. You can use a screwdriver to force the dent out as you apply heat. Otherwise, you can use any similar type of tool that you can find around the house. Dean creates a bulge in every panel of the car. He also causes distress by spray painting the car using several different colors.

In addition to the tutorial, Allen Keller asks Dean some final questions regarding model railroading. First, Allen asks Dean what on his layout gives him the most pleasure. Then, Allen asks Dean what the National Model Railroad Academy has done for him. Dean concludes the 8-part South Ridge Line series with some inspirational model railroading advice.

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