Overview of the South Ridge Line
Dean FreytagDescription
The South Ridge Line
Many years ago, Allen Keller hosted a series with Dean Freytag on The South Ridge Line. We revisit that series today to reminisce on the hard work and success of Dean. As we look back, we hope The South Ridge Line offers encouragement and motivation towards your own model railroading projects.
This series consists of eight segments dedicated to the The South Ridge Line. Allen begins with a tour of the layout and a look into the operations of the model railroad. Allen then dives into some of Dean’s inspiration and techniques. Next, Dean himself offers a tutorial on making vents for your model railroad scenery. Then, Allen and Dean discuss the hobby of model railroading and his reason for pursuing it. The series ends with a demonstration from Dean on how to build a steel mill and a tutorial on building cars.
The two model railroads featured in this program are freelanced yet developed on a historical and geographical basis. They are railroads that could've existed because they have elements from the Western Maryland and the Bessemer in Lake Erie. They both serve the American steelmaking industry. The Western Maryland influence is heavy on C.J. Riley's Kanawha & Western Allegheny.
The line exists to haul coal from West Virginia to connections with the C & O, the B & O and the Western Maryland. Among other places, the coal eventually moved to the steel making areas of Pittsburgh and the Ohio Valley. On Dean Freytag's South Ridge Lines, the emphasis is on moving the raw materials for the steel industry, including coal to the Ohio Valley. Dean studied not only the area, but also the methods of the steel making industry. Thus, the South Ridge Lines features many specialized pieces of rolling stock.
Welcome, I'm Alan Keller, this Dean Freytag. Hi. Dean, model railroading is more than just a hobby to you, isn't it? Alan, in our home, it's a way of life. I enjoy everything about it.
Ann enjoys the social aspects. I certainly enjoy running the railroad. I enjoy my NMRA activities. There just isn't anything about it I'd like to change. The HO scale South Ridge Lines exist in Dean's basement.
It's a double dog bone design that runs around the walls of a 13 by 38 foot space. All track is laid and most of the scenery is completed. Benchwork is open grid and L-girdered.
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