Building a Model Railroad Benchwork L-Girder
MRA EditorsDescription
The first thing you have to consider when building the benchwork for a new model railroad scene is the type of layout you are looking to construct. There are pros and cons to the various types of benchwork, so it’s important to understand the components of your project before you get started on the frame.
One style of benchwork you might have at your disposal depending on the constraints of your next scene is the model railroad benchwork l-girder. Due to its ability to be lowered and raised and cut to the length of your choosing, the model railroad benchwork l-girder is ideal for a variety of layouts and designs. The model railroad benchwork l-girder is most commonly built from plywood or MDF (medium-density fiberboard), both of which can be purchased at a lumberyard or building supply store where you can have sheets ripped to your exact specifications, or you can rip your own in the workshop using a Skil saw.
Model railroad benchwork l-girder from start to finish
To help you go from basic wood strips to completed bench, George Sebastian-Coleman walks you through the step-by-step process for constructing a model railroad benchwork l-girder. He demonstrates each of the necessary techniques and shows you how to use the tools you’ll need to build your model railroad benchwork l-girder to the proper size for your unique design.
While he works, George explains how the l-girder can be so easily manipulated and adjusted to size, which makes it optimal for any type of layout. He talks about what allows a model railroad benchwork l-girder to be so flexible, from its sturdy legwork that can be raised and lowered using adjustable T-nuts, to its crossbeam joists that can be laid either straight-edged or offset to accommodate for a square or flowing scene edge. With a model railroad benchwork l-girder, the choice is yours as to how you want your frame to stand, whether short and stout for children or tall and long for adults. You build it, you get to design it!