Jack Burgess on Scratch-Building Model Railroad Structures
MRA EditorsDescription
Scratch-building model railroad structures is especially important if you’re trying to closely duplicate a prototype, particularly for historical accuracy. One example of an expert layout that utilizes scratch-built scene elements to recreate a prototype is Yosemite Valley Railway by Jack Burgess. Jack has put nearly two decades of scratch-building model railroad structures, landscapes, and track components into his scale duplication of the YV. In this segment, we take a behind-the-scenes look at Jack’s hard work and see what he has to say about scratch-building model railroad structures.
Expert tips for scratch-building model railroad structures
One of Allen Keller’s favorite parts about Jack’s scale Yosemite Valley Railway is the overwhelming amount of detail that went into making this model look just like the real railroad. He visited Jack’s workshop to get a better sense of how Jack was able to perfectly capture life on the rails of the YV in 1939. Jack talks about his methods for scratch-building model railroad structures and demonstrates some simple tips you can use to make your own scene elements appear more realistic.
As Jack explains some of his expert techniques for scratch-building model railroad structures, you’ll discover what separates a good railroad model from one that will captivate your viewers. He talks about how he manages to keep things interesting as he works his way through a layout, and tells Allen what he hopes people will take away when they visit this remarkable railroad. Take some advice from a master and utilize these tips for scratch-building model railroad structures on your next layout!