Bruce Carpenter

Updating Your Model Railroad Layout

Bruce Carpenter
Duration:   2  mins

Learn how you keep a huge fleet of engines and cars constantly updated in a modern era on a model railroad. Bruce Carpenter tells MRA’s Allen Keller that it pays to not be a rivet-counter. He knows that some of his engine numbers aren’t exactly correct because of constant repaints, but there’s a certain level of less-than-total accuracy Bruce accepts in his operating fleet. He has replaced about two dozen locomotives over the years in order to keep some of the latest prototypes running on his layout. While replacing engines can be expensive, he sells them at flea markets on the internet, and that basically offsets the costs of modernization.

Also, see Bruce’s theory behind kitbashing or scratchbuilding some of the massive structures on his layout, and his favorite basic building materials.

Check out this video on model train tracks next!

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