Allen McClelland's Awards and Recognitions
Allen McClellandDescription
Dick Santel, son of Dan Santel reflects that the Virginian and Ohio has always been a part of his memory of model railroading ever since he was a child. His father and him would come and operate with Allen. He remembers the original golden spike ceremony for the original Virginian and Ohio railroad. Allen has always been a close part of his family and a magnificent model railroader who influenced his father a lot.
Allen Keller reminds Allen McClelland that his modeling has been a part of many of the things modelers take for granted today. Aller Keller wonders if he knew he would grow to revolutionize the hobby as he has when he came up with some of his ideas. Allen McClelland never knew, and never thought about it as trying to create anything different or new, he just did what he thought was right and shared when he found things that worked. Ideas such as walk around control, miniature transportation systems, prototype freelancing, and the good enough philosophy are attributed to Allen McClelland.
Watch more from Allen Keller’s Great Model Railroads in the Model Railroad Academy archives.
You've won many contests, and of course you're a master model railroader, numerous scratch building awards and get contest and photo contest and service awards from the NMRA and various other groups. How does that make you feel? Or what do you have coming from that? [Allen McClelland] Well, I've been rather fortunate in my life. And I guess part of it is I usually have somewhat drive to to try to achieve a high standards.
So I've been fortunate enough when I was boat racing, I won the Jack Shaffer Cup. It was one of the largest cups in this part of the country. I won the High Assessable Ted Neal trophy for boat racing in my class. So I have had that and he got into awards from work as being president of Myerberg Chamber of Commerce things like that, and always liked to get involved in things and try to, not only for myself, but to give back to organizations in the same way with the photo contest and the awards for service to the National Model Railroad Association. I wanted to make some contribution to them for what they'd done for me.
The BNO has always been a part of my memory model railroading ever since I was a child. My father and I would come and operate with Allen. I can remember back and I don't remember how old I was but the original Golden Spike Ceremony for the original BNO Railroad. Allen's always been close friend of the family and just a magnificent model railroader. He influenced my father-in-law.
You and your railroad have been responsible for many of the things that we take for granted today. Did you know you would revolutionize the hobby as you came up with some of these ideas? [Allen McClelland] No, I never did think about it as trying to to create anything different or new. I just went at it and did what I thought was right. And then I like to share when I found things that work.
I like to share it with people and sometimes things work for me, wouldn't work for somebody else too. Well, some of your ideas such as walk around control, sincere track plan, miniature transportation system, prototype freelancing, and of course, good enough philosophy.
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